October Round up

So I totally flaked and forgot to write up my monthly report on the 31st! Whoops. Here it is, two days late…



October was another five make month, so I managed to finish…

A pair of Tessuti Suzy pants (though these were posted on the first, so were technically made in September. I’ll count them anyway!)
A new lining for my favourite RTW blazer
Another Sewaholic Renfrew
A petticoat for a vintage dress
A By Hand London Holly playsuit with the cross over Flora bodice

Quite a busy month really! I was also nominated for a Liebster Award, and took part in a Blog Hop. I don’t think I learned any new techniques, aside from the proper way to bag line a jacket, but I have branched out with attempts to modify and adapt patterns. I changed up the waistband on my Suzy Pants, hacked my Holly playsuit and Renfrew, and more or less made up the pattern and method for the petticoat and blazer lining. I’ve entered my playsuit in the By Hand London #patternhackathon competition on Instagram, just for fun! There are some pretty awesome things under that hashtag, go and check them out!

Finally, happy halloween to those of you who celebrate it! Its a bit of a non event in Wellington, but I used it as an excuse to make some gingerdead men šŸ™‚


Can’t touch this…

Two posts in two days, oh my! Thats what happens when the end of the month lands in the middle of the week, I suppose…

This weekend I whipped up a pair of Tessuti Suzy Pants in an awesome mystery (I suspect polyester) crepe fabric from The Fabric Warehouse. I decided to try something different with my pattern printing, and took the file to the Stationary Warehouse. It was so much easier than printing out and taping together hundreds of A4 pages!


Look at how much easier that makes things! My only issue arose when the shop assistant asked me what size page I was printing, and I had no idea. She looked at me like I was a total moron, but we figured out it was an A0 sized sheet. Does anyone know how I can figure that out to avoid looking stupid in future? I can’t tell when its a PDF!


I REALLY like these pants! I’ve been looking at similar slouchy pyjama style trousers on northern hemisphere blogs all winter, and so I took my first chance to make some up. They’re just as comfortable as I hoped, and they’ll be awesome for when it heats up. I like the fabric as well, even though I suspect its polyester. The crepe is gorgeously drapey, and I love the abstract navy print. I’m trying to be a bit more bold with my fabric choices, both with colour and print. Really I’m just worried that I’ll end up with a whole wardrobe of polka dots and stripes in navy and grey…


I did make some fairly major alterations to the waistband, mostly as I sewed and tried on and sewed some more. The pattern has a strip of 1/2″ wide elastic right around the top of the ~4″ wide waistband. I hate tight elastic around my waist, so I decided before I started that I would cut doubles of the waistband pieces and use one pair as facings, and just put elastic in the back half. Once I sewed the waistband on (before I added the facing) I realised that it was miles too wide, it reached up to the bottom of my ribcage! So I ditched the facing, and just folded the waistband in half and put 1″ wide elastic in the back. It all worked out fine, and they’re very comfortable, but I do wish that I had sat down and thought through what I was doing a bit more. I should have interfaced the front waistband piece, to stop it sagging over time. I also should have cut the front waistband a bit shorter, as you can see in the photo above that the pockets and side seams are pulled around towards the back of the pants. But neither of these things are major issues, I’m still going to wear the hell out of these this summer!

(Please excuse the wrinkles!)

I feel very on trend in these trousers, which is funny. I’m not usually overly fussed by whats fashionable! It is nice when what I want to wear lines up with what is in the shops. My bubble was slightly burst when I paraded into the living room wearing them after finishing the hems, and Monsieur just raised an eyebrow and said “…are those hammer pants?” He insists on calling them my outside pyjama pants. I guess I can’t really object too much, they are like PJs which are acceptable to wear in public. My ideal clothes!
Also, yay for outdoors photos! I couldn’t resist getting some photos in the park over the road, I even managed to take these without any other people catching me. It does seem a bit narcisistic, taking photos of yourself in public…

…I’ll just leave this here.